Reporting — guar­an­teed to comply with the law.

Stake­holders expect you to be trans­parent about your sustain­ability perfor­mance. What is your company’s posi­tion on sustain­ability? How do you combine economic goals with social respon­si­bility and envi­ron­mental protec­tion? What sustain­ability goals have you set your­self? How do you comply with legal require­ments? We support you in the prepa­ra­tion of non-finan­cial annual and progress reports, based on the latest regu­la­tory require­ments and standards.

Honest commit­ment is rewarded with trust

Customers, investors, employees and other stake­holders expect compa­nies to be trans­parent about their goals for the future and their social and envi­ron­mental impact. Meeting these expec­ta­tions pays off in several ways: Cred­ible reporting creates trust among stake­holders, is the key to active respon­si­bility and increases the value of the company. We support you in preparing your non-finan­cial report in accor­dance with the latest require­ments and stan­dards in order to meet the legal requirements.

Consol­i­date data — the sooner the better!

Even if your company is not (yet) directly affected by reporting oblig­a­tions, it is worth starting to consol­i­date the non-finan­cial data from your company at an early stage. In many cases, the data is already avail­able, but still needs to be converted into the correct digital form and aggre­gated. We recom­mend that you do not wait until you have defined and collected all the data, but start with the data that is readily on hand. This will often allow you to derive initial find­ings and realize savings.

Swiss legis­la­tion moves closer to EU directives

According to the Federal Council, Swiss law in connec­tion with sustain­able corpo­rate gover­nance is to be harmo­nized inter­na­tion­ally, and tran­si­tion­ally imple­mented in Switzer­land. Here too, we recom­mend that you do not wait and that you begin orienting your­self to a much more compre­hen­sive legal basis for reporting, such as the OECD guide­lines or the Euro­pean Sustain­ability Reporting Stan­dards (ESRS). Working together with our estab­lished team in the EU, you can benefit from their exten­sive exper­tise in this area. This means you remain on the safe side with the more compre­hen­sive trans­parency oblig­a­tions and can also use the more in-depth data to prof­itably imple­ment find­ings in your company.